Pages tagged "Annual Report"
Annual Report (2014)
For almost 30 years, the success of the ACT’s and Australia’s response to HIV has largely been a result of a collaborative partnership between our community, governments, researchers and health professionals. This year has again demonstrated the effectiveness of this partnership approach.
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This year has been a big journey for the Meridian. We’ve grown in capability and capacity. We’ve reinforced strong foundations. They have been challenging but exciting times and it has been a privilege and honour to be part of that journey.
Read moreAnnual Report (2012)
We now have reasonable optimism that the end of HIV in Australia is possible in the medium term and that AIDS can be completely eliminated. Our hope comes from a raft of new evidence that supports treatment as prevention, opportunities afforded by new HIV testing technology and the huge improvements in the lives of most of those that have access to the latest medications. Whilst these advances are real, their potential will not be realised without governments political will, community support and a renewed sense of partnership.
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It is my pleasure to welcome you to our 2011 Annual Report. This time last year, I was proud to announce the implementation of our new three-year Strategic Plan. One of the most important commitments we make in our plan is to ensure that we conduct an annual review of our performance against it, that we invite external stakeholders to participate in the review and that we are transparent and accountable for our performance
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Welcome to the Annual Report of Meridian activities for 2009 – 2010. It has been some years since we have reported on such an active year; one where so much has been accomplished.
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