Are you a young person aged 18-30 or someone who supports young people in this age group? Do you live in Bruce and Belconnen?
The Health Research Institute (HRI) is currently co-designing the 'Connect Up' pilot project with and for people aged 18-30 in Bruce and Belconnen to help strengthen social connection. The first step is to hear from young people about what it’s like to live in these suburbs.
The pilot is targeted to the cohorts and areas of greatest need and potential benefit. Bruce and Belconnen have been selected for their high populations of young people aged 18-30 – an age group which, according to the HRI’s latest Living Well in the ACT Region survey, are the most likely to be socially disconnected in the ACT.
The first stage of the program will involve local young people, services and organisations in developing a model of how community ‘Connect Workers’ might initiate or link into activities and programs in these suburbs to help make or strengthen social connections for young people. This will take the form of a Working Group, community consultations and co-design workshops.
Members of the Working Group will be compensated for their time and contributions with an honorarium of $200-$250 per meeting or workshop. There will likely be 4-6 meetings over the course of a year, with the first meeting planned for mid-April.
HRI is particularly interested in gathering a variety of perspectives from young voices to enrich the pilot project.
For more information or to express interest in joining the Working Group go to: