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Blueprint on health needs of LGBTIQ Canberrans

The ACT is renowned as a fair, welcoming, and inclusive community that celebrates diversity. Thanks to the strong leadership of the ACT Chief Minister, the Territory is at the forefront of advancing the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ+) people. Through the establishment of the Office for LGBTIQ+ Affairs, and by committing to developing the first ACT LGBTIQ+ Strategic Plan, the ACT Government has reaffirmed its commitment to, and investment in, LGBTIQ+ rights, support, and inclusion.

Meridian is proud to work with the ACT Government. Together, we are ensuring that our LGBTIQ+ community members have every opportunity to live healthy and fulfilling lives, where they can contribute to and benefit from the ACT’s social, cultural, and economic development. As a peer-led organisation embedded in LGBTIQ+ communities, Meridian has a comprehensive understanding of the health needs of LGBTIQ+ people, their families, and communities. Meridian is committed to ensuring our services and spaces are inclusive of the full spectrum of identities, genders, sexualities, bodies, and relationships that are encompassed within LGBTIQ+ communities. We also recognise the importance of targeted services that respond to the distinct health needs of trans and gender diverse people and people with an intersex variation. Meridian works closely with A Gender Agenda, the only organisation providing peer-led specialist services to intersex, trans and gender diverse people in the ACT. Through this partnership, we work to ensure the diverse health needs of LGBTIQ+ people are being met.


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