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Monash University: Survey on Solid Organ Transplantation

PhD SURVEY on HIV and Organ Transplantation: We would like to know your understanding and beliefs about organ transplantation for people with HIV. We would appreciate you completing this anonymous survey, which should take around 10-15 minutes. The results of this study will be used to develop education and influence policy, to improve health outcomes for people living with HIV.

Organ transplantation may be used to replace someone’s organs, when they have become severely and permanently damaged. Donated organs often come from people who have died. Occasionally, living organ donation can occur when someone donates one of their two kidneys or a piece of their liver to someone else in need.

If someone receives a donated organ, to replace one that has stopped working, they usually live longer, and have a better quality of life.

Historically, people with HIV weren’t able to receive organ transplants, or to donate their organs. The restrictions stopping men who have sex with men from donating blood still exists in many countries.

By conducting this survey, we hope to gain some insights about people’s understanding and perspectives about organ transplantation for people with HIV in Australia, and how these compare with people without HIV.

Depending on some of your answers, there may be up to 61 questions, and it is anticipated that this survey will take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete.

The scenarios and questions presented are hypothetical, and for research purposes only. Your participation in this survey is anonymous, and therefore all the information you provide is completely confidentialYour answers will not be available to your treating team, and will not be individually identifiable by the research team.

Although we prefer that you try to answer each question to the best of your ability, if a particular question makes you feel uncomfortable, or you would prefer to skip it, please move to the next question. Your answers to the other questions will still be appreciated and valid. 

Please only complete this survey once, and do not enter identifying information in any free text boxes. 

By giving consent to take part in this study you are telling us that:

  • you understand what this study is about; and
  • you agree to take part in this research project.

Ethics approval: This study was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at Alfred Health, Project No: 680/23

Find out more or take this survey.