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World AIDS Day 2024

On the 1st of December each year we celebrate the progress that we have made in response to HIV. The research, care, treatment and prevention currently in place give us hope for the future, we are progressing in a positive direction. However, we must ensure that no one is left behind. Stigma and discrimination remain an ongoing issue in our fight against HIV. The national World AIDS Day theme for Australia in 2024 is ‘It Starts With Me.’

For more information about World AIDS Day and other events around Australia, click here.

This year on World AIDS Day, Meridian will host an early morning event with brief words from a Guest Speaker followed by tea and coffee. This event will provide an opportunity to gather as a community, show solidarity with people living with HIV, and remember those we have lost to an AIDS-related illness in the beautiful AIDS Garden of Reflection located at Canberra’s National Arboretum. 

The AIDS Garden of Reflection is a special place Canberrans to visit for peaceful reflection to ensure those who have passed from HIV/AIDS are not forgotten and inspire continuing action to eliminate new HIV transmissions and stigma for those impacted by HIV.

If you cannot attend the event, we encourage you to buy and distribute merchandise to your colleagues or loved ones. You can find the form to buy merchandise below.

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Donate to the Trevor Daley Fund

December 01, 2024 at 9:30am - 11am
AIDS Garden of Reflection, National Arboretum Canberra, Forest Drive, off Tuggeranong Parkway, Weston Creek, ACT
Meridian · · 02 6257 2855

Will you come?