We understand that getting access to PrEP to prevent HIV is not easy for everyone.
Meridian can help you access the Green Cross Pharmacy PrEP coupon pr...
PrEP Coupon Program
We understand that getting access to PrEP to prevent HIV is not easy for everyone.
Meridian can help you access the Green Cross Pharmacy PrEP coupon program. If you find the cost of importing your own PrEP or filling a prescription in Australia prohibitive for any reason this program can provide a coupon for free supply of PrEP for 3 months upon application.
This program might be for you if:
- you are not eligible for Medicare,
- you are an overseas student,
- you are experiencing some financial stress.
To access this program, you will need a current prescription from your doctor or clinic. Then take a photo or scan your script and email it to the address below. If you have a student card copy or scan that too. In the email write briefly why you need support to access PrEP.
If you have any questions, please call our office on 02 6257 2855 during business hours or email [email protected]