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Meridian delivers ONLINE Self-Management And Recovery Training (SMART) group meetings supporting LGBTIQA+ people who would like to start a conversation around their use of alcohol & other drugs and other addictions.

SMART Recovery focuses on harm minimisation and reduction rather than abstinence from alcohol & other drugs and other addictions. The SMART Recovery model is designed to address why we may struggle and how to foster a healthy relationship with alcohol & other drugs (and any addictive behaviors) that aligns with your personal life goals and sense of wellbeing, be that moderation, taking a break or ending the relationship all together. Meridian SMART Recovery is a peer-led program encouraging skill-sharing, goal setting and productive discussion in a safe and inclusive environment.

We have a fabulous team of trained SMART Recovery facilitators from a diverse range of backgrounds and lived experiences. Meridian hosts one of the only ONLINE LGBTIQA+ SMART Recovery meetings, ensuring a truly welcoming and inclusive space. Discretion is assured and your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. 

You can find out more about SMART Recovery Australia here and the Online Meeting Group Agreement. (Please read this before joining any online SMART Recovery meeting.)

  • Meridian SMART Recovery is held every Wednesday, 6:00pm – 7:30pm 
  • Meetings are held online via ZOOM and run for 90 minutes.
  • We welcome people over 18 years of age
  • Cost: FREE


If you are an AOD service provider and have LGBTIQA+ clients or service users who may benefit from our program, we would love to hear from them. 

For general enquiries, please email us at [email protected]

Meet the Facilitators