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Dance & Exercise for Wellbeing Information

Thursdays, 3.30-4.30pm @ Canberra Dance Theatre, commencing 25 July.

ZEST: Dance for Wellbeing classes are designed for adults who want to experience the joy of dancing and keep their body and brain active and healthy, regardless of their mobility, skill or age. Please come and feed your body and spirit with music and movement, be physically and mentally inspired and stimulated, have fun, meet some new friends and feel good! We dance while sitting on a chair, with options to stand and travel. No previous dance experience is necessary.

Dance is a unique vehicle, naturally combining multiple approaches to movement and exercise, building confidence and an improved quality of life.

  • Cnr Barry Drive & Kingsley St, Canberra City
  • Free for members of Meridian
  • Commencing 25 July, it runs in 10 week terms, taught by Philip

This class is supported by Meridian in collaboration with ZEST Dance and Exercise.

Register here for more information.